The pirate bounty

Is the pirate strategy, which Boris Johnson is draging the UK into, worth it? International and trade relations have never been a ‘gala dinner’[1], that is a fact. But the bill, approved by the [...]

Europe’s Winston

It is certainly not the debacle, but Europe is being tested. 80 years on, will Angela Merkel emerge as a modern Churchill? Angela Merkel’s Germany has just taken over the Presidency of the [...]

Against the tide

Alberto Alesina advocated for a well understood and well-managed austerity. Against the tide today, will it soon be in the wind? Will there be an “Alesina moment” as there was a [...]

A “menage à trois”

More than ever in a position of strength at the end of the first phase of the COVID-19 crisis, will Angela Merkel be able to plug its cracks? She is not the only one, but during this crisis, [...]